Interstitial Ad

Interstitial Ads are skippable full screen ads.


You have registered an application on your Ogury Dashboard. If not, please refer to the Getting started section before the next steps.

Step 1: Create an Interstitial Ad ad unit

In all the following code samples, we will refer to this Ad unit id by using the string YOUR_OGURY_AD_UNIT_ID.

Step 2: Create a Mediation Network

  1. Go to the Xandr dashboard.

  2. Select Mediation > Networks from the navigation menu.

  3. Click on + New to open the Add a network dialog.

  4. Select Custom Mobile Network.

  5. Type Ogury in the Network Name field before saving.

Step 3: Create a Mobile Network Bid

In order to display Ogury Interstitial Ad through Xandr mediation, you need to configure a Custom Mobile Network Bid for Ogury.

  1. Select the Ogury Network in the dropdown menu.

  2. Type in Ogury Interstitial as the bid name.

  3. Set an eCPM.

  4. Set Interstitial as the Media Type.

  5. Set Full Screen as the Ad Size.

  6. Check the Support SSL checkbox.

  7. Choose Android Class Name as Device Class Name, and enter the following configuration:

Android Class Name:


Network Id:


Network Parameter:


For Network Parameter, the JSON quotes should be escaped by prepending it with \ as shown above.

For eCPM, you need to set the value that you agreed with your Ogury Account Manager.

  • Click on Save.

If you wish to set up multi-placements for Ogury, you can add multiple bids. Each time, you should make sure to use the corresponding Ad Unit ids from Ogury dashboard, with the agreed eCPM value.

Step 4: Test your integration

Ogury exclusively serves ads to users who have given consent. It is essential to have responded to a valid TCFv2 consent form before conducting any tests.

As our algorithm works with personified targeting, you may not receive any ad while testing your application.

You can test your integration by adding the suffix _test to your interstitial ad unit id, for more details go to Test your implementation page.

Note that if you have just registered your application in the Ogury Dashboard, it will take around 15 minutes until you can successfully load an ad.

Additionally, you can follow the integration logs to get useful information on your integration status and any issue that might occur when displaying ads. Connect your device to Android Studio. Then filter the logs after the OGURY keyword to separate them from everything else.

Last updated