Third-party consent manager

Ogury requires an explicit consent from the user to use their personal data. We collect this consent through Ogury Choice Manager. This is the easiest way to collect consent for Ogury and other vendors.

If you already have your own consent notice to collect user consent, we provide a procedure to transmit the consent to us.


You have a registered application on your Ogury dashboard. If not, you can refer to the Getting started.

To pass consent status to Ogury, call the following method after the consent has been collected:

Integer[] nonIabVendorsAccepted = new Integer[0];
OguryChoiceManagerExternal.TcfV2.setConsent(context, "OGY-XXXXXXXXXXXX", iabString, nonIabVendorsAccepted);

The setConsent method takes the following parameters:

The IAB-specified Consent String must be valid and be generated by a whitelisted CMP. Otherwise the call to the setConsent method will be ignored.

If, at any point, user consent is changed, call this method again with updated values.

Integration example

public class MyActivity extends Activity {

    @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        OguryConfiguration.Builder oguryConfigurationBuilder = new OguryConfiguration.Builder(this, "OGY-XXXXXXXXXXXX");
        YourCMP.getConsent(this, YourCMPConsentListener);
    private final YourCMPConsentListener yourConsentListener = new YourCMPConsentListener() {
        @Override public void onComplete(OguryChoiceManager.Answer answer) {
            // Transmit the user consent to Ogury
            Integer[] nonIabVendorsAccepted = new Integer[0];
            OguryChoiceManagerExternal.TcfV2.setConsent(context, "OGY-XXXXXXXXXXXX", YourCMP.getIabString(), nonIabVendorsAccepted);
        @Override public void onError(OguryError error) {
            // handle error

Step 2: Finish your integration

You can go back to the getting started to finish your integration.

Last updated