Opt-in Video Ad

This article will go through all the steps required to display an Opt-in Video ads in your application through AdMob mediation.

Opt-in Video Ads are skippable fullscreen videos. They allow you to reward users with in-app items for watching video ads.

Opt-in Video Ads can only be served to users who explicitly and previously chose to view a rewarded ad. You can specify the reward values associated with the Ad units in your application and set different rewards for different Ad units.

Once configuration is done, users start receiving the reward for viewing the video ads without needing to install anything on their device.

In case you publish your application on Android and iOS, you should do the following steps twice, once for the Android application and once for the iOS application. Otherwise just select the platform you publish for.

Step 1: Create Opt-in Video Ad ad units

In all the following code samples, we will refer to:

  • the Ad unit id for the Android application by using the string ANDROID_AD_UNIT_ID.

  • the Ad unit id for the iOS application by using the string IOS_AD_UNIT_ID.

Step 2: Create Mediation Groups

Follow the AdMob guide to create a mediation group for your Rewarded ad units.

Step 3: Add Ogury in your Mediation Group

In order to display Ogury Interstitial Ad through AdMob mediation, you need to configure a Custom Event for Ogury in your mediation group.

  • Go to the Mediation Group page, and click on the mediation group you want.

  • Click on ADD CUSTOM EVENT, in the Waterfall section.

  • Enter Ogury as Label, set an eCPM and click on CONTINUE.

For eCPM, you need to set the value that you agreed with your Ogury Account Manager.

  • Next to the name of your Rewarded ad unit, enter the following configuration and click on DONE:

Class Name:




Don't forget to replace ANDROID_ASSET_KEY and ANDROID_AD_UNIT_ID by your Ogury Asset Key and your Ogury Ad unit id.

  • Click on SAVE.

If you wish to set up multi-placements for Ogury, you can add Ogury multiple times as an ad source / custom event inside your mediation group. Each time, you should make sure to use the corresponding Ad unit ids from Ogury dashboard, with the agreed eCPM value.

Step 4: Test your integration

Ogury exclusively serves ads to users who have given consent. It is essential to have responded to a valid TCFv2 consent form before conducting any tests.

As our algorithm works with personified targeting, you may not receive any ad while testing your application.

You can test your integration by adding the suffix _test to your interstitial ad unit id, for more details go to Test your implementation page.

Note that if you have just registered your application in the Ogury Dashboard, it will take around 15 minutes until you can successfully load an ad.

Last updated