Test your implementation

Ogury exclusively serves ads to users who have given consent. It is essential to have responded to a valid TCFv2 consent form before conducting any tests.

As our algorithm works with personified targeting, you may not receive any ad while testing your application. In this case we provide a way for you to test by using a test Ad unit id. This one will always receive test ads when calling the Ogury SDK.

Test ad units

You can suffix your Ad unit id in your mediation group with _test.

  • Go to the Mediation Group page, and click on the mediation group you want.

  • In Waterfall section, click on the Edit button in Ad unit mapping column for your Ogury line.

  • Add _test suffix to the value following the "ad_unit_id" in the Parameter:

    • Example: replace "012345678-abcd-abcd-0123456789ab" by "012345678-abcd-abcd-0123456789ab_test"

Make sure to remove _test suffix from the Ad unit id before pushing your application to any store.

This is the preferred way to test your implementation if you are behind a VPN.

Last updated