Ogury SDK

Release notes for Ogury SDK on Android.

The Presage and Ogury Choice Manager APIs will be removed from the Ogury SDK in early 2024.

If you are not yet using the Ogury SDK 5 API, you can refer to the migration guide to upgrade to the latest API.

If you are still using the Ogury Choice Manager, it is strongly advised migrating to Consent Management Platform (CMP) that is compatible with TCFv2 to manage and generate user consents.

5.8.0 - June 27, 2024


  • Add Mediation parameter in each Ad format constructor.


  • Improve internal Monitoring.

  • Downgrade Kotlin to 1.8.22.

5.7.0 - April 30, 2024


If you are using Applovin Ad Review feature, upgrade to Applovin Ad Review SDK 5.2.6 or newer, previous versions (≤ 5.2.5) cause Ogury SDK loads to fail.


  • Upgrade the IAB Open Measurement SDK to the version 1.4.7

  • Upgrade Kotlin version from 1.7.21 to 1.9.22.

  • Improve detection of app running on desktop.

  • Stop using the AsyncTask API.

  • Internal revamp for optimized maintenance and scalability.

  • Improve ad life cycle analytics.

5.6.2 - November 14, 2023


  • Deprecate Choice Manager and Choice Manager external boolean APIs.

5.6.1 - October 12, 2023

Bug fixes

  • Compatibility with Android 14

    • Fix a crash occurring on apps targeting the Android API level 34 and running on Android 14 devices.

5.6.0 - June 30, 2023


  • Internal revamp for optimized maintenance and scalability.

Bug fixes

  • Fix ANR.

5.5.0 - March 01, 2023

New features 🚀

  • Prepare the SDK for new formats of AppLovin MAX bidding connexion (Rewarded, Banner, MREC).

  • Add support for expiration time per Ad.

5.4.0 - November 09, 2022


  • Upgrade the IAB Open Measurement SDK to the version 1.3.36.

  • Ad caching system improved.

  • Remove the unused getInstalledApplications(int) method.

Bug fixes

  • Fix a regression related to the ad orientation.

5.3.0 - June 06, 2022


  • ID management compliance with latest Google policies.

  • Impression counting improvement.

5.2.0 - February 17, 2022

New features 🚀

Bug fixes

  • Fix an issue related to the HTTPS support of MRAID.

5.1.0 - September 30, 2021

Download link


  • Compatibility with Android 12

    • Remove set exact alarms.

    • Add new advertising ID related permission (AD_ID).

  • Remove Ogury Analytics module (deprecated product).

  • Stop supporting Android Support v4 library.

Bug fixes

  • Fix crashes related to UnsupportedOperationException on Sharp devices.

  • Fix crashes related to use of Android Billing Library v4. Please note that the FairChoice feature does not yet support Android Billing Library v4.

5.0.10 - August 05, 2021


  • Compatibility with Android 12 - Safer component exporting

Bug fixes

  • Fix package visibility bug on Android 11 and up.

5.0.9 - April 29, 2021

New features 🚀

  • Add the OguryAdImpressionListener new callback to better count impressions of Interstitial, Opt-in Video, Banner and Thumbnail Ad formats.

  • Add a new method to pass a true/false user's consent.

  • Add a log mechanism to get useful information on the integration status.


  • Improve the ad exposure computing.

Bug fixes

  • Fix crash around the computing of the Thumbnail Ad position.

5.0.8 - April 19, 2021


  • Remove QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES permission

5.0.7 - March 12, 2021

New features 🚀

  • Support of the consent string of third party CMPs compatible with IAB TCF v2.


  • Display the collapsed Thumbnail Ad in the same position it was expanded.

  • Remove SET_ALARM permission

Bug fixes

  • Fix memory leaks when ad is closed.

5.0.6 - February 04, 2021


  • Support of Open Advertising ID (OAID) for Huawei devices.

  • Thumbnail Ad:

    • Improve the Fragment blacklisting.

    • Improve the positioning when rotating screen.

    • Keep the same position when next ad is displayed or new ad is loaded.

    • Take in account the immersive mode

  • Display page title and url in the top WebView of the Ogury browser.

Bug fixes

  • Fix a memory leak related to Thumbnail Ad blacklisting.

  • Fix a Broadcast Receiver registering related exception.

  • Fix crash when null is passed as an ad listener param before closing the ad.

5.0.5 - December 08, 2020


  • Callbacks management improvements

Bug Fixes

  • Fix uncaught exception crash

5.0.4 - November 17, 2020


  • Add isBannerExpanded method for OguryBannerAdView

Bug fixes

  • Fix stuck activity when destroying expanded banner

5.0.3 - November 3, 2020


  • Improve synchronization between the Choice Manager and the ad formats.

Bug fixes

  • Fix background initialization related issue.

  • Fix dragging issue on Thumbnail Ad.

  • Fix Thumbnail Ad expand crash.

5.0.2 - October 19, 2020


  • New SDK initialization method to initialize all Ogury's functionalities in a single call.

  • Revamp the ad formats API to improve the integration experience. The ad format callbacks have also been updated.

  • Improve the internal communication between Ogury's functionalities. Now, the Choice Manager and the Ad formats are synchronized - it is no longer needed to wait for user consent response before starting ad formats to load.

  • Improve the internal modularity for better adaptability.

  • Remove TCF v1 API from the Choice Manager.

Previous API are still available though deprecated in this version. You can safely migrate to this version without changing your codebase. They will be removed in our next major update.

4.9.1 - October 08, 2020


  • Improve mraid download and precache

  • Add onAdClicked callback

4.9.0 - September 15, 2020

New features 🚀

  • New ad format: Banner Ad.


  • Choice Manager - deprecate TCF v1 API.

  • Thumbnail Ad - set position based on any corner of the screen

  • Thumbnail Ad - default position (bottom right) and size

  • Thumbnail Ad - debug method to view whitelisted activities

4.7.7 - August 28, 2020

Bug fixes

  • Fix internal issues.

4.7.6 - August 05, 2020


  • Improve Android 11 compatibility.

  • Improve SDK performance.

4.7.5 - July 24, 2020

New features 🚀

  • Choice Manager - California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) compliant.

Bug fixes

  • Thumbnail Ad - position based on top left corner of the phone's screen.

4.7.2 - June 10, 2020

Bug fixes

  • Fix class not found error on Choice Manager.

4.7.1 - June 8, 2020


  • Thumbnail Ad - fragment filtering

4.7.0 - May 18, 2020

New features 🚀

  • TCF v2 support.

ConsentManager classes have been deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate to our new OguryChoiceManager API that is compliant with both TCF v1 and TCF v2.

4.3.13 - May 18, 2020


  • Update Thumbnail Ad format.

4.3.12 - April 2, 2020


  • Update OMID library to 1.3.0.

4.3.11 - March 17, 2020

Bug fixes

  • Consent activity was not declared in manifest.

4.3.10 - March 10, 2020


  • Add new method to get the Ogury SDK version.

4.3.7 - December 20, 2019


  • Allow loading ad while another ad is displayed.

  • Handle error when the application's package name of the publisher mismatches with the Asset Key.

  • Improve SDK stability.

Bug fixes

  • Avoid leaking activity when WebView is leaked by Android or Chrome.

4.3.6 - November 19, 2019


  • Improve SDK stability.

4.3.5 - November 13, 2019

New features 🚀

  • Add a new ad format: Floating Ad. Learn more about Floating Ad format in Ogury Help Center.

4.1.10 - November 04, 2019


  • Improve SDK performance.

4.1.4 - September 17, 2019

New features 🚀

  • Add the support of external consents in Choice Manager.


  • Add GDPR Applies method on Choice Manager.

  • Improve SDK performance.

Bug fixes

  • Fix shortcut security issue.

4.1.2 - July 31, 2019


  • Improve SDK performance and stability.

4.1.1 - June 19, 2019

New Features 🚀

  • Integrate Open Measurement SDK from IAB


  • Improve SDK performance and stability.

Bug fixes

  • Fix crash caused by lateinit.

  • Avoid crash the app when WebView is invalid.

Last updated

Change request #344: Mourad's Jun 26 changes