Legitimate interests

As of November 13, 2023, Ogury Choice Manager is deprecated, meaning it will no longer be supported or updated.

Consequently, no new consent notices will be delivered through Ogury Choice Manager's APIs. Therefore, it is strongly advised against using Ogury Choice Manager in new versions of applications. In case you have migrated to a new Consent Management Platform (CMP), ensure that Ogury and its partners are included as vendors.

For earlier versions of applications still using Ogury Choice Manager, the API will maintain its functionality, continuing to return consent for users who have previously responded to a consent notice. This will remain in effect until their consent expires.

Under TCF v2.0, not only can the user give or withhold consent, but they can also exercise their ‘right to object’ to data being processed on the basis of legitimate interests. It also enables greater transparency for the user, through more detailed and more easily understandable descriptions of the purposes of data processing.

Check the status for processing of personal data under legitimate interests for specific vendor

User can exercise their right to object for processing of their personal data under legitimate interests for each vendor in partner list.

You can check whether the user has declined the usage of personal data under legitimate interests for a particular vendor by calling the following method:


The isLiVendorMet method takes following parameter:

Note that you can identify yourself as a vendor if you need specific consent for some use cases involving personal data. In this case, you first need to add yourself as a vendor in the consent notice, and then use the vendorId 0 in the isLIVendorMet method.

Check the status for processing of personal data under legitimate interests for specific purpose

Similarly to vendors, user can object to processing of his personal data under legitimate interests for each IAB purposes, You can check and pass this signal to your vendors and your own processes accordingly.‌

You can check whether the user exercised his right to object for processing of his personal data under legitimate interests for a given purpose by calling the following method:


The isLiPurposeMet method takes following parameter:

  • a OguryChoiceManagerPurpose representing a purpose. It can take one of the following values:

Purpose values

IAB purpose names


Information storage and access


Select basic ads


Create personalised ads


Select personalised ads


Create personalised content


Select personalised content


Measure ad performance


Measure content performance


Market research


Develop and improve products

Check the status for processing of personal data under legitimate interests for specific vendor and his declared Legitimate interest based purposes

User can choose to object to processing of their personal data under legitimate interests for each purpose and each vendor separately.

Sometimes to disable/enable some feature of particular vendor’s SDKs you will need to know if all legitimate interests conditions are met - both for that vendor, and for each of purposes under legitimate interests declared by that vendor. In this case use the following method:


The isVendorLiAndLiPurposeMet method takes following parameter:

Note that you can identify yourself as a vendor if you need specific consent for some use cases involving personal data. In this case, you first need to add yourself as a vendor in the consent notice, and then use the vendorId 0 in the isLIVendorAndItsLIPurposeMet method.

Check if all conditions are met for a specific vendor

Sometimes you will need to know if all conditions are met for a particular vendor. That means that the user sent a signal matching all of the following conditions:

  • User gave consent to all consent based purposes declared by this vendor

  • User gave consent to the processing for this vendor

  • User did not object to legitimate interest processing to any purposes declared under legitimate interest by this vendor

  • User did not object to legitimate interest processing for this vendor

To check if all conditions are met call:


The isAllVendorConditionsMet method takes following parameter:

Note that you can identify yourself as a vendor if you need specific consent for some use cases involving personal data. In this case, you first need to add yourself as a vendor in the consent notice, and then use the vendorId 0 in the isAllVendorConditionsMet method.

Last updated