Getting started

This documentation will go through all the steps required to display Ogury ads through Google Ad Manager (GAM) mediation on Android platform.

From October 2020, Ogury released a new API specially refactored to improve the onboarding experience. If you have already integrated the Ogury SDK and want to update your integration with the latest API, you can read the Migration guide. It explains the main points to easily switch from the old API to the new one.

Step 1: Register your application

The Asset Key follows the pattern: OGY-XXXXXXXXXXXX, where X is an uppercase letter or digit. In all the following code samples, we will refer to this Asset Key by using the string OGY-XXXXXXXXXXXX.

Step 2: Import the Ogury SDK

To import the latest version of the Ogury SDK and the ogury adapter for Google Ad Manager mediation into your project:

  • Open the build.gradle of your application.

  • Add the following lines:

repositories {
    maven {
        url ''
dependencies {
    // Ogury SDK
    implementation 'co.ogury:ogury-sdk:5.+'
    // Ogury Adapter for Google Ad Manager mediation
    implementation 'co.ogury:ogury-mediation-gam:5.+'


To know more about the latest releases, you can check the release notes for the Ogury SDK and for the Ogury Adapter for Google Ad Manager mediation.

As of November 13, 2023, both Ogury Choice Manager and the End User License Agreement (EULA) are deprecated.

Consequently, the EULA will cease to be presented, and the Choice Manager will no longer display consent notices. As a result, it is strongly advised to discontinue the use of Ogury Choice Manager in any new versions of applications. Developers are encouraged to explore alternative solutions in light of this deprecation.

The European GDPR regulation requires obtaining the users' consent in order to display them personalized ads, (i) when the company processing personal data is based in the EU, or (ii) when the users are EU citizens.

As a company based in the EU, Ogury accordingly requires an explicit consent from the users to collect their personal data and display them personalized ads. The consent collection can be operated:

Note that the Ogury SDK meets privacy requirements by design. Shall it not receive a valid consent status from the Ogury Choice Manager or from a validated third-party consent solution, it will display an End User License Agreement (EULA) before serving the first ad. Another way to put it: no targeted ad will be displayed to the users if they didn't give their consent first.

Step 4: Add Ogury as Yield Partner

In Google Ad Manager dashboard, configure Ogury as a yield partner.

  • Click on Admin > Companies in the left-menu.

  • Click on New company and select Ad Network.

  • In the New ad network pop-up, select Other company as Ad network and enter Ogury as Name. Then enable the Mediation option.

The newly created Ogury yield partner should show in the list of Ad Networks.

Step 5: Integrate Ogury ad formats

Ogury provides four different ad formats, (i) Interstitial Ads, (ii) Opt-in Video Ads, (iii) Banner Ads and (iv) Thumbnail Ads. You can refer to the following sections to proceed with the integration:

Before going live

Ogury is part of the IAB Authorized Sellers for Apps initiative to fight inventory fraud for applications. It is recommended to update your app-ads.txt to include Ogury.

Last updated