Collect the user consent

As of November 13, 2023, Ogury Choice Manager is deprecated, meaning it will no longer be supported or updated.

Consequently, no new consent notices will be delivered through Ogury Choice Manager's APIs. Therefore, it is strongly advised against using Ogury Choice Manager in new versions of applications. In case you have migrated to a new Consent Management Platform (CMP), ensure that Ogury and its partners are included as vendors.

For earlier versions of applications still using Ogury Choice Manager, the API will maintain its functionality, continuing to return consent for users who have previously responded to a consent notice. This will remain in effect until their consent expires.

Ogury Choice Manager handles user consent collection and storage for all your vendors, with a simple integration, ensuring compliance with the GDPR regulation. Your users are shown a single consent notice giving them the choice of the data they want to share, if any.

As an IAB Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF) approved solution, Ogury Choice Manager not only meets the letter of the law, but is also aligned with all relevant best practice standards.

Also, Ogury Choice Manager facilitates CCPA compliance by IAB California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) framework.

But where other solutions draw the line here, Ogury Choice Manager goes one step further by incorporating vendors that fall outside of IAB jurisdiction, including Facebook and Google. The net result is a definitive, one-stop consent notice that covers most vendors available on the market today.


Your application must be registered on your Ogury dashboard and the SDK must be started. If not, please refer to the Getting started section before the next steps.

To collect the user consent for the all registered vendors, call the ask method in the onCreate method of your Activity.

This method is designed to ask the server for the current user's last answer. If the server is unable to retrieve an answer or if the user falls in a case where a notice needs to be displayed, this method will trigger the surfacing of the notice. Otherwise the ask method synchronizes the consent signal and makes it available through the SDK methods.

You can call the ask method as follows:

OguryChoiceManager.ask(activity, oguryConsentListener);

The ask method takes the following parameters:

Theask method must be called at each launch of your application to be sure to have an up-to-date consent status.

The Ogury Choice Manager and the Ogury ad formats are synchronized. So you can start loading the ads while requesting user consent. You do not need to wait for the user response. Indeed, the ad will be loaded once the user's consent is obtained. Just pay attention to call ask method before loading ads.

Integration example

public class MyActivity extends Activity {

    @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        OguryConfiguration.Builder oguryConfigurationBuilder = new OguryConfiguration.Builder(this, "OGY-XXXXXXXXXXXX");
        OguryChoiceManager.ask(this, oguryConsentListener);
        // ... and load Ogury ad formats
    private final OguryConsentListener oguryConsentListener = new OguryConsentListener() {
        @Override public void onComplete(OguryChoiceManager.Answer answer) {
            // transmit consent to other vendors' SDKs
        @Override public void onError(OguryError error) {
            // handle error

As per the GDPR regulation, publishers need to ensure the users can access and edit their consent choices through their application at any time.

The edit method behaves the same way as the ask method but enforces the display. If an error occurred, nothing is displayed to the user. In this case, you need to handle the error to inform the user.

OguryChoiceManager.edit(activity, oguryConsentListener);

The edit method takes the following parameters:

We recommend to expose a button to edit the consent in the application settings.

Step 3: Finish your integration

Congratulations! Ogury Choice Manager is now implemented.

The user consent is automatically synchronized across all Ogury products, so you don't need to transmit it to them. You can now go back to the Getting started section to implement ad formats and finish your integration.

However, should you have other vendors' SDKs processing user data, you can learn how to transmit them the consent signal in the Advanced usages section of the Ogury Choice Manager documentation.

Advanced Topics

Check the availability of the edit method

The edit option might not be available and then calling the edit method will return an error in the following cases:

  • if the user is not located in the EU, i.e. not in a country where the GDPR applies;

  • as a result of a specific configuration on the Ogury Dashboard;

Before displaying the edit button, you should check this option with the following method:


Calling this method make sense only once the synchronization triggered by ask method has completed. Otherwise this method returns true by default.


The Ogury SDK provides the OguryConsentListener interface to listen to consent signal changes.

The OguryConsentListener exposes the following methods:


In the onComplete method of the OguryConsentListener interface, you can get the answer of the user through theAnswer object. The Answer has one of the following values:

Error handling

If Ogury Choice Manager fails to get the consent signal for any reason during an ask or an edit, the onError method of the OguryConsentListener is called. This method provides an OguryError object that contains an error code and an error message.

To get the error code, you can call the getErrorCode. You can retrieve a more explicit message by calling the getMessage method.

You can find predefined values for each error code in OguryChoiceManagerErrorCode object. For example, you can check if error occurred because there is no Internet connection by usingNO_INTERNET_CONNECTION error code as following:

if (error.getErrorCode() == OguryChoiceManagerErrorCode.NO_INTERNET_CONNECTION) {
    // ...

Here is the list of all error codes in OguryChoiceManagerErrorCode object:

Last updated